Regenerative Buildings, Cities and Communities

We believe that buildings can extend beyond mere sustainability to become catalysts for regenerative transformation. This vision champions the role of architecture in not just mitigating environmental damage, but in actively contributing to the healing and improvement of ecosystems and communities. Our approach is anchored in the idea that each structure can be a source of positive ecological and societal renewal, guiding our dedication to crafting spaces that revitalize and enrich.

Studio VMA is led by Veronica Madonna and David Di Biase, with a combined experience of over 45 years in the architecture industry. They have contributed to a diverse array of building projects, noted for their design excellence and commitment to sustainability. With their seasoned leadership, Studio VMA ensures that clients receive the attentive service of experienced partners, showcasing an innovative approach to architecture that harmoniously blends aesthetic excellence with sustainable principles.

Big Office Experience, Small Office Attention.